Celebratory Wearables for virtual celebrations!
Being virtually online does not mean having to give up fun celebratory attire! Light up your online presence with Tritonia Designs Unisex Celebratory Wearables for virtual celebrations!
Each piece is unique and hand made.
Product Description: BLUE 4" / Multi
2" Baltic Wood Peace Sign Pin with "Fight Injustice" (or custom) statement, and light (multi slow changing LED light). Includes on/off switch and CR2032 battery.
Wear your message ... make a statement, Create change, peacefully
- You may request a custom message (3-word limit to fit on 2" peace sign) or blank peace sign
- Pins available with or without LED Light, with/without headband
- To request custom message, contact Tritonia Designs Email: tritoniadesigns@gmail.com
Headband: varied colors, cotton stretch sports 4 inch wide headband, lightweight and breathable, tie dye colors and patterns vary (4" headband can be worn as face mask.)
BLUE Headband 4" with Peace Pin and Multi Light
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