VRbits Cinematic Virtual Reality (VR), "Hot Lava" NFT Collection, combines ephemerally captured 360/VR video on location and original imagery to create a VR experience placing you in the center looking out. Providing a conduit touching and reaching beyond the body is a bridge between real and virtual to experience and appreciate our Earth in motion. (A portion of the NFT sale will go to "ArtPod, a nonprofit organization, that brings innovative, experiential and virtual explorations of art, science, culture and technology, for positive impact and experimental STEM/STEAM education to the public including underserved disadvantaged communities.) VRbits07 can be viewed in a VRHeadset or with a VR Media Player on a computer or mobile device.
Hot Lava captured Pahoa Skies and aerial images and 360/VR video on location from a doors-off helicopter, 3000' above Fissure 8 fountains, and massive Volcanic Flows from Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii, June 2018.