TRITONIA designs

wearable art and jewelry creations limited editions
Goth meets tribal, recycled eco meets modern primitive, and space rocks reign!
Tritonia designed wearable art and jewelry creations are unique one-of-a-kind original fusions of contemporary style and tribal tradition. Working with high quality silver, individually selected and collected tribal elements from around the world, natural and eco-friendly materials and technology - each piece is handmade and individually crafted.
To purchase go to Shop. Pieces are priced in the online Shop. General price range of pieces can be found at the bottom of each of the five collections pages. Pieces can be purchased online only through "Shop". The "Shop" is updated periodically. If you are interested in a piece on the website that is not in the online shop please contact Tritonia Designs directly: tritoniadesigns@gmail.com
Eco Tattoo
5 Elements
Thai Hilltribe Silver
Space Rocks Reign
Goth meets tribal in contemporary designs of pure silver luxury
Fusions of metals, natural stones and crystals. Find your spiritual elements …
Rocks from Space inspire curiosity and wonder
Wearable "tattoos" of Eco-conscious recycled rubber.
Unisex Celebratory Wearables and LED for virtual celebrations
Tritonia Designs creates wearable art and jewelry, fusions of contemporary style and tribal elements including Thai Hilltribe Silver, Eco Tattoos, 5 Elements, Space Rocks, ZoomwearTD. Customize in pure silver, eco or electronics, as Goth meets Tribal and Space Rocks Reign!

Goth Inspired Lace, Velvet, Metal, Crystal, Chain, Necklaces, Collars, Wrist Cuffs, Hand Jewelry, Earrings
Ancient Roman Glass,
African Glass, Pewter, Silver
Ethereum-based NFT available on OpenSea/NFT Marketplace
VRbits by Hot Lava NFT Collection Viewable
following links above
* NFT sales profits will help
underserved communities through
ArtPod Nonprofit/501(c)3.
If you are interested in purchasing a piece, inquiring about a price, or to order a custom piece that is on our website but not in the online Shop, please contact Tritonia Designs directly: tritoniadesigns@gmail.com